Healthy Eating: It’s a balance

Healthy Eating: It’s a balance

Ah, the holidays. It’s everyone’s favourite time of year. The festivities, the food, the family time. Pretty lights. Gift giving. Skating. Hot chocolate and warm fires and all the fresh baked goods you can eat. Then comes January 1, and the guilt begins to set in. We...
Sweet Strawberry Breakfast Ideas

Sweet Strawberry Breakfast Ideas

If you’re like most Winnipegers I know, you’ve gone strawberry picking at some point this summer and your freezer (or fridge) are full of ’em. Flavourful berries are one of the major advantages to living in the prairies – Winnipeg has some of...
Body Talk

Body Talk

We all have those days – your back is aching from your workout yesterday, or your entire body feels heavy from the moment you get up. When your body starts talking, how do you respond? Communication Our bodies are so incredibly intelligent; I think we don’t give them...
On Happy Handstands

On Happy Handstands

Sometimes it’s important to look back on where you started, in order to see how far you’ve come. I wasn’t always able to hold a handstand. At this point in my life, it’s a funny thing to think about. I am pretty sure my name has become...
Be Well

Be Well

Fitness: it’s one of the most popular buzzwords on social media today. Search it, and you’ll find hundreds of hashtags dedicated to the cult of self-improvement. We’re told we’re supposed to “be fit.” Try this class tomorrow, and...